Similar to other elements of the electric circuit, power lines can have damages of insulation. This can lead to pair potential in supports and step voltage. To protect people who are near the damaged support, the supports are connected to special grounding devices to reduce current spreading resistance. Read our new article "Earthing of power lines poles" to learn how to do it!
The article describes various configurations of grounding devices used for poles, as well as lightning protection methods used in the overhead power lines.
Vertical electrode
Horizontal electrode
Overhead line axis
Lightning protection is an integral part of power lines, because, combined with grounding, it reduces the risk of equipment failure draining impulse current caused by direct lightning strikes to poles or overhead protection cables.
What is the right way to arrange grounding for power lines? What does different level of soil conductivity affect? How should we choose grounding when installing prefabricated concrete foundations? Read the article and find the answers to these and many other questions.
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