ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ И СТАНДАРТЫ защиты линий переменного тока от перенапряжения - EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND STANDARDS for AC Power Lines Surge Protection
Алгоритм создания любых семейств в Revit - Algorithm to create any family in Revit
1. Анализ (эскиз) - 1. Analysis (sketch)
2. Каркас из опорных плоскостей - 2. Frame of support planes
3. Твердотельная геометрия - 3. Solid-state geometry
4. Материалы - 4. Materials
5. Создание основного семейства - 5. Creating a general family
6. Коннекторы - 6. Connectors
7. Вставка геометрии в основное семейство - 7. Inserting geometry into the general family
8. Настройка видимости элемента - 8. Item visibility setup
9. Финальная проверка - 9. Final review
We offer you to watch videos of webinars held in April 2021. Watch, comment, and ask.
On April 14, we held a webinar titled "European Technologies and Standards for AC Power Lines Surge Protection" during which Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel and member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR, has told us about the pulse surge, its characteristics, shapes, rating, consequences, and limitation methods. The lecturer has paid a particular attention to SDPs. The second part of the report is dedicated to the European regulatory documents governing the need to use the SDP and defining the rules for choosing, installing, and testing the devices.
Watch the details in a video:
On April 28, we held the webinar titled "Creating Simple MEP Families in Autodesk Revit From Scratch", during which handling of main tools in Autodesk Revit was discussed and two simple families were modelled (using an illumination device and a gate as examples).
Watch the details in a video:
Learn more about the upcoming ZANDZ webinars.
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