Lightning protection standards of the Russian River Register

In Russia, the classification society for the river vessels is named the Russian River Register (RRR). The organization was founded in 1913. One of the areas of the RRR activities includes the development of regulatory documents. The first rules governing the construction and operation of vessels were issued in 1915. Since then, they have been changed multiple times.

The current "RRR Rules" consist of four regulatory documents. They are as follows: "Rules for Technical Supervision over Vessel Construction and Manufacture of Materials and Products Intended for Vessels" (PTNP), "Rules for Certification of Vessels during Their Operation" (POSE), "Rules for Vessel Classification and Construction" (PKPS), "Rules for Preventing Environmental Pollution from Vessels" (PPZS). The current version of "the Rules" has been effective since 2019.

The issues related to the lightning protection are provided in Chapter 14 "Lightning Protection Devices" of PKPS. The need to describe the lightning protection rules specifically for river vessels is caused by the specifics of the relevant activities in river transport.

ПRead our article titled Lightning Protection Standards of the Russian River Register for more details on the specifics of lightning protection for river vessels.

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