Federal Government has approved the Resolution On RF State Information System for Town Planning Support. Mikhail Mishustin has signed the respective document. The draft resolution has been prepared by the Ministry of Construction, and Housing and Utilities Sector of Russia.
Dmitry Volkov, Deputy Minister for Construction, and Housing and Utilities Sector of Russia, has noted that the approved document is a practical step towards the creation of the State Information System for Town Planning Support. "When we are talking about implementation of information modelling technologies in construction, we primarily mean building a seamless town planning process across the country. This is a global task, and it cannot be solved without a legal base provided, among other things, by the resolution", said Dmitry Volkov.
He also noted that due to the State Information System for Town Planning Support of Russia, it will be possible to accumulate, store, analyze, and share data on construction facilities during all their life-cycle stages. To solve this task, we have to integrate existing state information systems for town planning support active in some regions, federal state information systems provided for by the Town Planning Code and rules for maintaining the information system as well as information systems of the engaged legal entities.
Rules for maintaining the State Information System for Town Planning Support of Russia and rules for providing access to information, documents, and materials contained therein have been approved.
Rules for maintaining the State Information System for Town Planning Support of Russia specify the procedure to maintain the information system, the list of information types, documents, and materials on capital facilities included into the information system, and requirements to the procedure to include such information, documents, and materials to the State Information System for Town Planning Support in the form of electronic documents.
The rules to provide access to information, documents, and materials contained in the State Information System for Town Planning Support of Russia specify the procedure for such access as well as the requirements to information, documents, and materials, access to which should be provided through information systems, and methods to display thereof.
The information system includes five functional components:
1. subsystem "classifier of construction information" providing the formation and maintenance of a classifier of construction information;
2. subsystem "registry of documents in engineering survey, design, construction, and dismantling" providing the formation and maintenance of a registry of documents in engineering survey, design, construction, and dismantling;
3. information and analytical subsystem providing the formation and maintenance of capital facilities registry as well as processing of information, documents, and materials, and their preparation based on analysis details;
4. subsystem "registries of state and municipal services" providing formation and maintenance of registries of basic state and municipal services included into exhaustive lists in construction;
5. subsystem "functioning of an official website" providing the access of users to the information, documents, and materials contained in the information system.
The resolution has been developed to execute Order of the President of the Russian Federation No. Пр-1235 on transition, to upgrade the construction industry and improve construction quality, to the system of control of the capital facilities life-cycle by implementing information modelling technologies as well as within the framework of solving a task to provide a legal basis for the life-cycle management for the capital facilities using the information modelling technologies under the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".
Minstroyrf.gov.ru materials are used.
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