«Активные» молниеотводы и защита от них - “Active” lightning arresters and protection against them
When discussing the problem of active lightning arresters, it is necessary to start with the attitude of top managers. It is by their will that the regulatory documents on lightning protection are approved that are applicable in the countries of the common market, of which our country is also a member. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has issued IEC 62305 long time ago that covers the lightning protection devices. Several years ago, certain sections of this standard began to be introduced in Russia as the GOST R. The section concerning the external lightning protection device is next in line. The objective assessment of the operating principles of active lightning arresters and their actual capabilities should be given in this section. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rely on this fact. A number of fundamental provisions of the IEC standard indicate an extremely superficial acquaintance of its authors with the physics of gas discharge and the practical principles of lightning protection. To convince the listeners of the webinar, its first part will provide specific examples of those technical absurdities that are the results of the IEC standard recommendations. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why the domestic specialists are worried about the attempt to implement this regulatory document and why it does not reflect the actual situation with the so-called active lightning arresters. The second part of the webinar will be devoted to assessment of the actual capabilities of up-to-date active lightning arresters, its actual activity and the consequences of use for the protection of modern technical facilities. An analysis of the existing operating experience in the ESE lightning arresters will be performed and a simple field testing method will be proposed with no need in the special financial costs.
Вторая часть вебинара будет посвящена оценке фактических возможностей активных молниеотводов современного исполнения, реальному проявлению их активности и последствиям применения для защиты современных технических объектов. Будет произведен анализ имеющегося опыта эксплуатации ESE-молниеотводов и предложена простая методика их проверки в полевых условиях, не требующая особых материальных затрат.
The webinar is intended for: for the designers of lightning protection and grounding
Date and time of webinar: September 23, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. (MSK).
Venue: Online
Price: free, registration is required.
Duration: about 80-90 minutes.
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
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