ZANDZ ZZ-200-001 ready-made lightning protection kit for a single-family house with a chimney pipe contains everything you need to make a reliable and durable external lightning protection system for your house.
Applicable for:
Objects of the 3rd category of lightning protection according to
RD 34.21.122-87 and to ordinary ones, according to СО 153-34.21.122-2003.
The kit ensures the reliability of the system – min. 0.9.
Characteristics of the protected object:
- Roof type: gable (without bay windows), with the chimney
- Wall height: up to 7 m
- Ridge height: 9-10 m
- Dimensions of a house: max. 8x10 m (LxW)
- Chimney height: above the ridge min. 1 m
- Chimney wall width: min. 1 m (at least on one side)
- Roofing material: natural tile (ceramic, polymer-sand, cement-sand), metal tile, slate, metal roofs (with a thickness of less than 0.5 mm - profiled flooring, folded roof), slate roofing; It is also allowed to use fire retardant materials.
Technical description of the system
The complex of measures to ensure the necessary requirements for the lightning protection system is presented by the following solutions:
- Lightning protection is performed in accordance with CO 153-34.21.122-2003 "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications" and RD 34.21.122-87 "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures".
- Lightning protection is made using ZZ-201-004 lightning rod - mast that is mounted on ZZ-203-002 holders on chimney pipes (the distance between the legs is up to 0.5 m). Connection to the conductor wire is made using the clamp ZZ-202-001.
- The conductor wires are made of conductor - copper-coated steel with a diameter of 8 mm, a coating thickness of 70 microns (GL-11149).
- Installation of conductor wires is carried out by means of a clamp GL-11564A - along the ridge, GL-11747A - on the roof, GL-11703A - on the vertical surfaces. Clamp installation step - 0.8-1.0 m.
- For connection of conductor wires along the length and in the junctions, the universal clamp GL-11551A is used.
- All metal elements placed on the roof must be attached to the conductor wires using the clamp GL-11514 or GL-11545А.
- The grounding device uses 3 vertical electrodes with a length of 3 m combined by a grounding conductor - a steel coppered wire D=10 mm (GL-11150). The distance from the grounding to the object is not less than 1 m.
- Conductor wires are connected to the grounding conductor using clamps GL-11562A.
- Detailed installation instructions are included.

Молниеприемник-мачта высотой 4 м (ZZ-201-004) | Lightning rod - mast with the height of 4 m (ZZ-201-004) |
Проволока омедненная стальная диаметром 8 мм (GL-11149) | Copper-plated steel wire with a diameter of 8 mm (GL-11149) |
Полоса омедненная стальная сечением 30x4 мм (GL-11075) | Strip of copper-coated steel with a section of 30x4 mm (GL-11075) |
Электрод D=14 мм, L=3 м | Electrode D=14 mm. L=3 m |
Kit contents
Figure |
Article |
Name |
Quantity |
ZANDZ vertical lightning rod - mast 4 m high (stainless steel) |
1 piece |
ZANDZ Fastening for the lightning rod to the chimney (stainless steel) |
1 piece |
ZANDZ Clamp to lightning rod for conductor wires (stainless steel) |
1 piece |
GALMAR Copperplated wire (D 8 mm / S 50 mm²; coil 50 meters) |
1 piece |
GALMAR Clamp for connecting conductor wires (painted galvanized steel) |
3 pieces |
16 pieces |
20 pieces |
14 pieces |
GALMAR Clamp for the drainpipe for conductor wire (painted galvanized steel) |
2 pieces |
GALMAR Clamp - hose clamp for drain pipe for conductor wire (tinned copper) |
2 pieces |
GALMAR Test clamp for connecting the "wire + strip" conductor wires (painted galvanized steel) |
2 pieces |
6 pieces |
1 piece |
3 pieces |
1 piece |
1 piece |
ZANDZ Grounding conductor (5 m; S25; solid; with bolt cap D8) |
1 piece |
Important! Restrictions on the use of the kit
The kit is applicable strictly for the specified building configuration. The type of roof, the height of the walls, the height of the ridge and the overall dimensions of your building should not exceed the values given in the description of the kit.If one of the dimensions of your house exceeds the specified values, you can buy additional accessories at your discretion.
The calculation of the resistance of the grounding device as part of the lightning protection system was made for objects located in regions with ordinary soil (loam, clay, sandy loam, ...). This kit is not applicable in regions with high soil resistivity.You can read the average values of specific resistance of various types of soil at the link.
The reference material on this page will help you to calculate the necessary grounding device configuration. -
The kit is designed for the reliability of the lightning protection system, corresponding to the type of object “single-family house” (a typical object according to CO 153-34.21.122-2003). This kit is not applicable for public, industrial and other types of objects. Any of these objects may require increased reliability of the external lightning protection system.You can calculate the reliability of the system, as well as the probability of a lightning breakthrough, using a specialized calculation service.