Webinar "Grounding and lightning protection for apartment buildings and commercial facilities", page 1

The third webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series 

(held on September 13, 2016 at 11:00 Moscow time)


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During our third webinar, we will proceed to considering the aspects of calculations and installing grounding for apartment buildings and commercial facilities (hypermarkets, warehouses, pavilions, etc.). What is their difference from other facilities? What difficulties may arise and how to negotiate with the customer?

Do not miss a chance to obtain valuable knowledge at first hand. Register and learn free of charge!

Webinar text. Page 1

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Approximate reading time: 34 minutes.

Grounding and lightning protection for apartment buildings and commercial facilities

Grounding and lightning protection for apartment buildings and commercial facilities

Вебинар № 3. Заземление и молниезащита для многоквартирных домов и объектов торговли Webinar No. 3 Grounding and lightning protection for apartment buildings and commercial facilities
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— Let us greet you in our third webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series. In the previous webinars, we discussed the regulatory framework that the electrical specialist have to deal with, as well as grounding and lightning protection for the private house, which is probably the most popular facility. Today, we will consider apartment buildings and commercial facilities. These are also popular facilities for performing installation. The electrical specialists have many questions about how to do that correctly, how to negotiate with the customers, and other questions. Our lecturer is Sergei Alekseevich Tolstopyatov, the director general of NGN Group, a representative of the ZANDZ Expert Club and an experienced electrical specialist. So, you will have a unique chance to obtain valuable information at first hand. I am Aleksey Korytko. I am the webinar administrator. I will respond to your comments in the chat. Let me remind you that we have moderation here, so I will need some time to confirm your questions. The ZANDZ technical specialist is also present in our webinar. He will help us in replying to your questions. You can ask them in the chat. I give the word to Sergei Alekseevich.

— Hello! Let us start our webinar. I want to say that I will hold the webinar without pauses. We have engineers to answer your questions. During the webinar, you can ask your questions, they will answer them, and Aleksey will moderate the questions intended for me personally or those questions who may be missed by the engineers. At the end of the webinar, we will return to them and I will answer them, if possible. So, let us start the webinar. I want to remind you my favorite proverb: "If you do not know where to go, then you will likely reach another place". So please do not hesitate to ask questions. It does not hurt to ask! The ZANDZ Project actively and thoroughly helps its clients and customers by answering their questions. We help in design calculations, provide design documents so that you could correctly use specifications and product ranges you intend to use. This is particularly important for the government orders, so that the articles you specify in the design would correspond to the article numbers of the GALMAR equipment imported by ZANDZ in Russia. In this case, we do not recommend to take the product range directly from the GALMAR catalogue, because they are slightly different. And then, upon approval with the government customer of the product range that is taken from the GALMAR catalogue and the product range that is certified in Russia, difficulties may occur.

Lightning protection of apartment buildings and commercial facilities
Lightning protection of apartment buildings and commercial facilities

Молниезащита многоквартирных домов и объектов торговли Lightning protection of apartment buildings and commercial facilities
Особенности таких сооружений: Peculiarities of such facilities:
1. Большая площадь (склады, гипермаркеты) 1. High area (storehouses, hypermarkets)
2. Большая высота в случае с многоквартирными домами 2. High altitude in case of condominium houses
3. Защиты требуют не только конструктивные элементы здания, но и технологические, такие как вентиляционные трубы и фонари, продувочные свечи крышных газовых котельных 3. Protection is required not only for the building structural elements, but also for such utilities, as ventilation pipes and lights, vent stacks of sheltered gas boilers
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— So, today we will consider the grounding and lightning protection of large facilities, apartment buildings and commercial facilities. I will tell you how the lightning protection and grounding of the commercial facilities and apartment buildings are performed and what you need to pay attention to during the design and installation. The specific features of these structures usually include large area in case of warehouse and hypermarkets, and significant height in case of apartment buildings. You need to protect both structural and process elements, such as venting pipes, lights, gas vents in the gas boilers, including the gas boilers located on the roof. 


Lightning protection of a hypermarket
Lightning protection of a hypermarket

Молниезащита гипермаркета Lightning protection of a hypermarket
Для молниезащиты здания большой площади, такого как гипермаркет или склад используется множество стержневых молниеприемников, либо тросовые молниеприемники, которые образуют зону защиты. Many lightning rods are used for a building of high area, such as hypermarket or storehouse, or wire-type lightning arresters, which create the protection area.
В соответствии со стандартом РД 34 это: In accordance with standard RD 34:
зона А, если здание содержит пожаро- и взрывоопасные зоны zone A, if the building includes fire and explosion-hazardous zones
зона Б, если такие зоны в здании отсутствуют зона Б, если такие зоны в здании отсутствуют
Если требуется, здание защищается по стандарту СО 153 с необходимой надежностью If required the building is protected according to the standard SO 153 with necessary reliability
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— To provide lightning protection for the hypermarket, regular lightning rods are installed on the building roof that provide the protection zones depending on the height they are installed at, and the zone combination. 


Protection reliability calculations
Protection reliability calculations


Расчет надежности защиты Protection reliability calculations
Для расчета надежности защиты может быть использовано программное обеспечение, разработанное ОАО «Энергетический институт им. Г.М Кржижановского» (ОАО «ЭНИН»). The protection reliability can be calculated by means of the software developed by OAO G.M. Krzhizhanovskiy Energy Institute (OAO ENIN).
Программное обеспечение рекомендовано к использованию Циркуляром №25/2009 Ассоциации Росэлектромонтаж. The software is recommended for the use by the Bulletin No. 25/2009 of Roselektromontazh Association shown in the slide.
Расчет выполняется для здания любой конфигурации с любым размещением молниеприемников, например, как на предыдущем слайде. The calculations are performed for the buildings of any configurations and any lightning rod arrangements, e.g., as shown in the previous slide.
Для расчета, обращайтесь, пожалуйста, в Технический Центр ZANDZ Please, contact to ZANDZ technical center for making calculations and design.
Заземление и молниезащита на ZANDZ.com Grounding and lightning protection on ZANDZ.com

— So, by installing the required number of lightning rods, the facility along with its process elements will be fully located in the protection zone. The reliability requirements are usually specified in terms of reference during calculations. Such zones as A, B are distributed according to governing document 34, and the zones with reliability ratio of 0.8 to 0.999 are distributed according to instruction 153. Choosing the required protection method depends on the facility type, its fire and explosion safety, as well as on the individual customer requirements, or special requirements of the regulatory authorities, which may be determined by the location of environmentally hazardous facilities nearby, such as filling stations, if any, some residential premises and, as I have already mentioned, parking lots. Usually, the fire-hazardous buildings are protected in accordance with zone A (according to RD-34), or with reliability of 0.99-0.999. If the building has not got any fire and explosion hazardous zones, then it is sufficient to protect it as zone B with the reliability of 0.9. To calculate the grounding reliability, we usually use the special software developed by the Energy Institute named after Krzhizhanovsky. The software is recommended for use by the Bulletin of Roselektromontazh Association shown in the slide. The calculations are performed for the buildings of any configurations and any lightning rod arrangements, e.g., as shown in the previous slide. To perform calculations, provide us with terms of reference. If you do not know how to formulate it clearly then do it as you can and, if possible, send us the buildings photos. We will help you understand and calculate it correctly and in accordance with the building reliability.

Layout of current collectors from the lightning rods

Layout of current collectors from the lightning rods

Прокладка токоотводов от молниеприемников Layout of current collectors from the lightning rods
Молниеприемники соединяются между собой, чтобы от каждого из них прокладывалось минимум 2 токоотвода The lightning arresters are to be connected to each other, in the way that at least two current collectors are laid from each of them
В соответствии с РД каждые 25 метров по периметру здания выполняются спуски токоотводов к заземляющему устройству In accordance with RD the current collectors shall be connected down to the ground terminal each 25 meters by the building perimeter
Если расчет выполняется по СО, то среднее расстояние между токоотводами может быть 10, 15, 20 или 25 м в зависимости от уровня защиты (I-IV уровень) If the calculation is made according to SO, then average distance between the current collectors can be 10, 15, 20 or 25 meters depending on the protection level (I-IV)
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— Along the roof perimeter as well as higher and lower levels, the current collectors are installed that are interconnected by the lightning rods. They must be installed such that each lightning rod has at least two current collectors. 


Lightning protection grid
Lightning protection grid

"Молниеприемная" сетка Lightning protection grid
РД 34 разрешает использовать "молниеприемную" сетку. RD 34 allows using of the lightning protection grid.
Сетка в качестве защиты от прямого удара молнии неэффективна. Кровля здания должна выдерживать прямые удары молнии, т.к. они могут прийтись в любую точку The grid as protection against direct lightning strike is not efficient. The building roof shall withstand direct lightning strikes, because these can affect any point
Сетка эффективна с точки зрения растекания тока. При множественном дроблении тока молнии воздействие электромагнитного поля тока молнии значительно снижается. Обстановка на объекте с точки зрения электромагнитной совместимости улучшается The grid is efficient for the current flow arresting. With multiple fragmentation of the lightning current, the lightning current electromagnetic field impact reduces significantly. The electromagnetic compatibility situation in the facility becomes better
Возвышающиеся элементы должны быть защищены с помощью стрежневых молниеприемников Elevated elements shall be protected by means of lightning rods
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— In this case, the lightning protection grid we discussed above is shown. We can use it for the lightning protection of II and III categories in the cases if the roof slope does not exceed 1 : 8. This is associated with the fact that, with the significant slope, the strikes will be concentrated in the ridge area and in the top region; therefore, the grid will be ineffective in a separate part. Moreover, the grid has equivocal protection efficiency in terms of protection against the direct lightning strike. The lightning may strike in any grid point or even the grid cells with the same probability as the grid is usually slightly lifted above the roof. The grid advantages include current flowing. It improves the situation strongly in terms of electromagnetic compatibility, i.e. the absorption of large amounts of electrical energy and its distribution on the grounding system. With multiple fragmentation of the lightning current, the electromagnetic field impact reduces significantly. So, we cannot say that the grid may protect the building against the direct lightning strike and even talk about the protection reliability. 


Lightning protection grid (continued)
Lightning protection grid (continued)

Рассмотренное здание может быть защищено с помощью сетки, но при этом: The building in question can be protected by means of the grid, by taking the following into account:
Увеличивается расход проводников сетки. Если при защите молниеприемниками расход на крыше был 400 м проволоки, то в данном случае это 1500 м. Grid conductors consumption is increased. It was 400 m of wire in case of the roof protection by means of lightning arresters, and for the grid it is 1 500 m.
Кроме того значительно увеличивается расход крепежных элементов Moreover, the fixtures demand is increased considerably.
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— Compared to the rod or wire lightning protection systems, to install the grid, large amount of materials, wire and clamps for the installation to secure the grid to the surface, and to connect the intersections, are used.

Metal roof as the lightning rod
Metal roof as the lightning rod

Металлическая кровля в качестве молниеприемника Metal roof as the lightning rod
Metal roof as the lightning rod Both RD 34 and SO 153 allow using metallic roofing as a lightning arrester
Толщина металла должна быть не менее 4 мм (для железа), если кровлю нужно защищать от повреждений The metal thickness shall be at least 4 mm (iron), if it shall be protected against damages
Если защищать от повреждений не требуется, то достаточно толщины 0.5 мм If no damage protection is required, 0.5 mm thickness would be enough
Все возвышающиеся части должны быть оборудованы стержневыми молниеприемниками, которые токоотводом присоединяются к металлу крыши All elevated parts shall be equipped with the lightning rods, which shall be connected to the roof metal through the current collector
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— In the course of designing and installation, you should pay attention to the possibility of using the metal roof itself as the lightning rod. This is permitted in RD-34 and SO 153. To do this, all roof elements must have a continuous electrical coupling. For the roof metal to serve as the lightning rod, you should meet the following condition: for iron, the metal thickness should be at least 4 mm. If you need to protect the roof against damage, otherwise the lightning may burn the metal through. 


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