The fifth part of the article "Lightning rods on the roof (lightning protection of the roof)"
It is not a rare thing, that the length of the protected territory on the roof is dozens of meters, and that is why, it may require a great number of lightning rods. They are not easy to install, if to follow the regulations of the AD 34.21.122-87 which insists to use welding. We already discussed the European experience on the change of welded connections in lightning protection to bolt clamps at the webinars. According to the European standards, they provide transit resistance not lower than 0,0025 Ohm even in a polluted air and during acid rains. It is possible to refuse from welding in Russia. It is enough to refer to p.3.4 of the AD 34.21.122-87 having coordinated a prohibition on welding works at the facility with the customer. Then you will have a right to use bolt connections with transient resistance not higher than 0,05. It is easily achieved by modern means.
E. M. Bazelyan, DEA, professor
Energy Institute named after G.M. Krzyzanowski, Moscow
Read more "6. Explicit advertising of catenary wire lightning rods"
See also:
- How to choose lightning rods after all? (article by professor E.M. Bazelyan)
- Lightning protection of roof in operaton (video recording and transcript of the webinar with professor E.M.Bazelyan)
- Free webinars for designers of grounding and lightning protection
- Solutions on grounding and lightning protection projects in dwg, pdf formats
- Free consultations and assistance in calculation of grounding and lightning protection
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