Welcome to the first ZANDZ.com Expert Club webinar!
Dear friends, On October 7, we are opening a series of webinars about ZANDZ.com Expert Club and invite every-one to participate!
ZANDZ.com Expert Club helps the suppliers find thousands of new customers. In order to make the customer inte-rested and conclude a sales deal, it is necessary to impress him right at the first meeting.
During the ZANDZ.com Expert Club webinar, we will talk how to make the customer happy and become a cool Expert. How to work in your private cabinet?
High lightning protection rods for ultimate protection
Lightning protection for a single-family house with a sauna
Complete protection against lightning for single-family homes implies the use of complex systems consisting of external lightning protection components and surge protection devices. All this equipment should be properly calculated and installed, and then it will cope with its task.
Here is an example of how to calculate the lightning and surge protection for a single-family house!
TV antenna grounding and lightning protection
We receive a lot of questions about how to make grounding and lightning protection properly. The questions can be both of a general nature, such as "how to protect buildings from lightning" and specific, relating to a particular facility or equipment. Our technicians have answered on one of these questions recently!
Please read whether it is necessary to ground your TV antenna!
Protecting a church from the lightning strike
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