The second webinar from series “Electric energy saving and quality improvement” series
(dated May 24, 2016 at 11 a.m.)
Selection of objects - connection points (2-4). As such, MSB/IDD (recommended option) or TS may be used. Installation closer to the consumers is preferred: in this case saving is provided through the loss elimination on the feed lines. Energy saving, using ESH quality improvement is achieved by energy quality improvement:
• improvement of balancing of load currents in phases, compensation (partial) of phase imbalance;
• power factor increase, load currents reduction;
• high-frequency harmonics reduction, electromagnetic compatibility improvement,
• smoothing of load current surges and short-term voltage drops.
Contribution of each component depends on the combination thereof. The negative factors compensation depends on the power consumption parameters. Therefore, ESH efficiency is higher for dynamic multi-mode loads (which is proven in practice), this is why one should select proposals for the electric control rooms/transformer substations that supply such load types.
Filling in questionnaires for selected objects.
Analysis of the results. CP preparation (based on Questionnaires).
CP review. Decision making on pilot projects.
Contract conclusion.
Equipment supply.
Analysis of the results. Preparation of reporting documents.
Analysis of the results. Decision making on replication, including work plan for 2016.
Test methodology:
• required equipment;
• test procedure;
• test results;
• use options.
720p full screen watching is recommended.
Webinar text. Page 1
General Director - SERGEI A. KARATYGIN: |
Доктор технических наук |
Doctor of Engineering |
Действительный член (академик) Международной Академии Системных Исследований (International Academy of Systems Studies - IASS) |
Full member (academician) of International Academy of Systems Studies (IASS) |
Автор и технический редактор более 30 книг |
Author and editor of more than 30 books |
Доцент кафедры Электротехника Национального исследовательского университета РФ - МИЭТ (Московский институт электронной техники). более 30 лет |
Assistant Professor of the Electrical Engineering Chair of the National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) for more than 30 years. |
Руководитель ряда проектов федерального масштаба (РФ) |
Head of a series of the Federal projects (Russia) |
CJSC "Green Energy"
— Dear colleagues! We welcome you to the second webinar of the "Electric energy saving and quality improvement” series. The topic today is “Procedure for pilot projects”. At the last webinar, we discussed the problems existing in power grids, the consequences of these problems and learned about the ways to solve them - energy-saving hardware, the so-called ESH. These devices can improve energy efficiency, which leads to energy saving. Today we will review the procedure for conducting pilot projects, the sequence of actions for introduction of ESH, read the questionnaire and consider the test methodology. At the following webinars, we will consider solutions for specific objects of a specific purpose - this is the oil and gas sector, industrial sector, and residential and public facilities. More information about each webinar, please read at our website. Registration for all webinars is already open. I will send a link to the chat, you can watch videos of previous webinars and register for the following webinars. I recommend registering immediately for the whole series not to miss anything. Video recording of the first webinar is already available on the site. The lecturer of this series is Sergei Anatolievich Karatygin - Doctor of Engineering Sciences, member of the International Academy of System Studies, author and editor of more than 30 articles and head of a number of federal-scale projects. This is not the full list of his merits. My name is Aleksey Korytko. I am the administrator of this webinar and will respond to your questions and comments that you can ask in the chat in the general tab. These questions will be answered by Sergei Anatolyevich at the end of the webinar, or along the way, if necessary. The presentation may include diagrams with small details, so, please, use Zoom-in tool for viewing them better. It is located at the low panel under the presentation slides. That's all, I am pleased to hand over the floor to the lecturer. Good afternoon, Sergei Anatolievich!
Realization of projects
— Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I welcome you to the second seminar. Probably, this is the most burning topic, because there is a problem, it is understandable, there is a solution - ESH, some systems that solve particular problems. It makes sense to talk about the project implementation, because customers are always interested, and what will I see, what is my economy and the problem of evidence that electricity is still being saved. This is a very difficult moment for almost all projects that are underway for the first time, for the first time - this is what the customer buys the first time, we have to prove. There are customers who have already bought for the third, second and fourth time, with them, of course, is already easier. This is what we read for our partners and move on to the sequence of actions.
Последовательность действий (стандартный вариант) |
Activities sequence (standard option) |
Выбор объектов - точек подключения |
Selection of the facilities - points of connection (2 - 4) |
Заполнение Опросных листов по выбранным объектам |
Completing the Questionnaires for the selected facilities |
Анализ результатов. Подготовка КП (на основании Опросных листов) |
Analysis of the results. Making a commercial proposal (based on the Questionnaires) |
Рассмотрение КП. Принятие решения о проведении проекта |
Reviewing the commercial proposal. Making decision as to the project realization |
Заключение Договора |
Contract conclusion |
Исполнитель: Проект Договора поставки и проведения испытаний. Методика испытаний. Заказчик. Согласование Методики. Заключение договора. |
Contractor: Draft supply contract and performance of tests. Test methodology. Customer. Approval of the methodology. Contract conclusion. |
Поставка оборудования |
Hardware supply |
Проведение приемо-сдаточных испытаний |
Acceptance and delivery tests performance |
Анализ результатов. Подготовка отчетных док-тов |
Analysis of the results. Making the reporting documents |
Анализ результатов. Принятие решения о тиражировании |
Analysis of the results. Making decision as to distribution |
Sequence of actions
- Why pilot? Because often, if everything is all right with you, dear gentlemen, then we will continue to work further and develop further. If we mean a single supply, then in this case the word “pilot” can be omitted. So, sequence of actions is as follows. I will discuss in more detail later on each of them, but at least on the main points. Selection of objects – connection points. This is what we discussed at the first workshops, if there is a purely active load or there is a static load, that is, a compressor operating in a static mode, an asynchronous motor, and so on. There are cases with such a mode. We do not consider these connection points and turn to dynamic heterogeneous loads. Filling in questionnaires. Of course, it would be great to receive information directly from the analyzers to analyze problems, consider all this information. Why do we need questionnaires? We’ll discuss that. If we have an object with a sufficient number of approbations - oil depots, a refueling complex, mechanical production, etc., then we can immediately tell by the parameters of electricity consumption and shortcomings, which unit, what will be the efficiency and so on. Commercial proposal is another issue.
Выбор объектов – точек подключения |
Selection of the facilities - points of connection |
Выбор ГРЩ / ВРУ |
Selection of main switchboard / input distribution device |
Рекомендованный вариант при сопротивлении контура заземления, не превышающего 1.2-1.4 Ом (в отсутствии высокочастотных составляющих на контуре заземления). Установка ближе к потребителям предпочтительна: в этом случае мы экономим на потерях на подводящих линиях. |
The recommended option in case of the grounding circuit resistance of not to exceed 1.2-1.4 Ohm (without high-frequency harmonics component in the grounding circuit). Installation closer to the consumers is preferred: in this case saving is provided through the loss elimination on the feed lines. |
ТП. В случае проблем с контуром заземления на ГРЩ / ВРУ. |
Transformer substation. In case of problems with the grounding circuit at MSB / IDD. |
При выборе объектов для проведения испытаний необходимо ориентироваться на точки подключения, на которых присутствует достаточная нагрузка |
When selecting the facilities for the tests make sure to rely upon the connection points where the load is sufficient. |
Экономия электроэнергии при использовании УЭС достигается за счет повышения качества электроэнергии: |
The electric energy saving with the use of ESH is achieved through the electric energy quality improvement: |
- улучшение симметрирования токов нагрузки по фазам, компенсация (частичная) фазового дисбаланса; |
- better load current symmetry by phases, (partial) compensation of the phase imbalance; |
- повышение коэффициента мощности, снижение токов нагрузки; |
- increase of the power factor, load current reduction; |
- улучшение электромагнитной совместимости; |
- electromagnetic compatibility improvement; |
- сглаживание бросков токов нагрузки и кратковременных падений напряжения |
- smoothing the load current surges and intermittent voltage drops |
Вклад каждого из составляющих зависит от их сочетания. |
Contribution of each component depends on the combination thereof. |
Компенсация негативных факторов зависит от параметров энергопотребления. Таким образом, эффективность УЭС выше для динамических разнородных нагрузок (подтверждается практикой), поэтому в качестве предложения следует выбирать щитовые / ТП, питающие такие виды нагрузок. |
The negative factors compensation depends on the power consumption parameters. Therefore, ESH efficiency is higher for dynamic multi-mode loads (which is proven in practice), this is why one should select proposals for the electric control rooms / transformer substations that supply such load types. |
Selection of the facilities - points of connection
- So, we start from the very beginning - the selection of objects - connection points. At the last webinar, we pointed out that there could be connection points of IDD, MSB, that is, directly at the points of connection of equipment or on feeders or TS. The first option is preferable because we are normalizing parameters of electricity at a lower level. The level of connection that will work for us, it will be under the normalized parameters, and here we will receive additional savings. One limitation, I already mentioned it, it may be necessary for industry solutions to return to this, the efficiency of 1.2 Ohm - 1.4 Ohm, therefore this equipment is effective and remains effective at higher parameters. Plus the absence of high-frequency distortion, interference on the ground loop. Hence, the problem immediately arises: there is a problem, there is hardware and there is engineering, without it, unfortunately, you cannot get anywhere, but nevertheless the installation closer to consumers is preferable, we consider it first of all. Transformer substations - if there is a problem with the ground loop at the main switchgear, MSB, see the first plan. Sufficient load when selecting test facilities, the equipment shall work either in nominal mode or in 0.8 - 0.6 mode from the nominal load. Because there are situations and this we impose on paying customers, when we arrive at the facility, they say: "And today we have no loads”. Therefore, the plan is agreed in advance, the test time and date are agreed in advance so as not to arrive when the machines are shut off. Energy saving - that is, again energy quality improvement according to the listed points. The contribution of each component will be different. It cannot be said that so much due to high frequency distortion, so much due to phase imbalance surges, etc. Only in combination, they give the final result, but we assert that we have higher efficiency for dynamic loads, that is, it is confirmed by practice and it is recommended. There are cases when we say that we do not use this connection point. So when we contact the customer, so as not to come with one point and not fail, we arrived and left - not interested, two or four points are selected to meet all conditions we talked about. The customer, as a rule, selects them. Then we get information using questionnaires or use our analyzers to get more reliable information.
Опросный лист |
Questionnaire |
1. Информация о компании: |
1. Company information: |
Название: |
Name: |
Адрес: |
Address: |
Страна: |
Country: |
Телефон: |
Telephone: |
Контактное лицо |
Contact person |
(ФИО, должность, телефон): |
(full name, title, telephone): |
Примечание: |
Note: |
2. Данные обследования
2. Data on examination |
2.1. Диапазон рабочих температур в течение года: |
2.1. Range of working temperatures during the year: |
2.2. Количество фаз |
2.2. Number of phases |
2.3. Таблица нагрузок |
2.3. Table of loads |
Панель / щит ТП |
Transformer substation panel / board |
Токи нагрузки, А |
Load currents, A |
Мощность нагрузки, ВА |
Load power, VA |
Мощность нагрузки, кВт |
Load power, kW |
Коэффициент мощности |
Power factor |
Режим работы (8/12/24 часа), кол-во дней в неделю |
Working mode (8/12/24 hours), number of days per week |
Схема подключения (треугольник, звезда) |
Connection diagram (triangle, star) |
Напряжение электросети, фазовое / линейное, В |
Power network voltage, phase / line, V |
2.4. Сопротивление заземления (по каждому шагу) |
2.4. Grounding resistance (for each step) |
2.5. Описание нагрузок (по каждому шагу) |
2.5. Description of loads (for each step) |
Устройства (типы) |
Hardware (types) |
Щит № |
Board # |
Кол-во шт. |
Quantity pcs. |
Мощность, Вт |
Power, W |
Коэффициент загрузки - сутки |
Load factor - 24 hours |
Освещение: |
Lighting: |
Двигатели: |
Motors: |
Кондиционеры: |
Conditioners: |
Печи: |
Furnaces: |
Прочие: |
Others: |
Questionnaire (technical information)
- What is the questionnaire like? It is standard and posted at our sites. The range of working temperatures during a year has a limitation, because sometimes for Kazakhstan we made units with forced air cooling, with forced ventilation. ESH is an energy-saving hardware, our last webinar is about this, it has limitations. Now we start talking about what our load currents can and cannot do. Power V/A, power in kV - as a rule, it is filled at the very least. Sometimes the numbers are repeated, sometimes duplicated and filled in negligently. The operation mode of the equipment and TS are very important. I mean the situation when it is stated that 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and according to the tests that we had, it turns out that there are no these loads.
We will determine what should be included in the commercial offer, because we recommend supplying ESH with a certain capacity, which costs a certain mount of rubles - this is not a commercial proposal. Forget about it, and it does not work in this CP submission. The conclusion of the contract - some of our achievements, I will show and tell. Equipment supply is the simplest thing. Performance of acceptance tests - there is already the method that we will talk about. Analysis of the results - how to approach the analysis. And possible contract conclusion - to which the customer has already agreed.
Опросный лист |
Questionnaire |
2.6. Экономика |
2.6. Economy |
2.6.1. Потребляемая энергия (по каждому вводу) с помесячной разбивкой за последний год: |
2.6.1. Power consumption (for each input) with breakdown by months for the last year: |
Мес. |
Months |
Панель / щит / ТП |
Panel / board / transformer substation |
кВт час |
kW hour |
тыс. руб. |
thousand rubles |
янв. |
January |
фев. |
February |
мар. |
March |
апр. |
April |
май |
May |
июн. |
June |
июл. |
July |
авг. |
August |
сен. |
September |
окт. |
October |
ноя. |
November |
дек. |
December |
2.6.2 Схема оплаты/Тариф |
2.6.2 Payment pattern / tariff |
2.6.3 Установленная мощность: |
2.6.3 Installed capacity: |
2.6.4. Штрафы (заполняется опционально) |
2.6.4. Penalties (completed optionally) | Штрафы за превышение коэффициентов мощности: | Penalties for the power factors excess: | Штрафы за пики нагрузки: | Penalties for the load peaks: | Штраф за превышение установленной мощности: | Penalty for the installed capacity excess: |
2.7. Свободная площадь под установку УЭС: |
2.7. Free area for the ESH installation: |
2.8. Фотография электрощитовой комнаты: |
2.8. Image of the electric control room: |
Questionnaire. Section 2.6
- However, this is not the main point. The main point - section 2.6, shall be filled. And the questionnaire shall be filled for each connection point, that is, 4 points were selected for further analysis, where to put and where not to put is purely hypothetical. And look at what you have, by gas consumption. Why do we need it? We need to understand if there is seasonality. A very important point, because to put one unit, to put two units with disconnection/disconnection, by time management, by power factor - they are very important. If we have this information, it means that in this case we can judge by similar objects, that is, a sufficiently large library by objects, where there are provided parameters. Therefore, if there is no way to measure the power factor here, this is understandable, so here, a sufficiently equipped one is connected for evaluation. But this information is required, firstly, to evaluate the unit model and, secondly, there is a tariff scheme. Some information my not be filled in. We need information on kW and ruble/kW/hour. Fines usually are not used. And it is a good thing when there is an understanding of where it is possible and where it is not impossible to install. That is why, section 2.6 is of utmost importance.
Коммерческое предложение |
Commercial proposal |
Модель УЭС |
ESH model |
Стоимость оборудования |
Hardware cost |
Стоимость услуг |
Services cost |
Дисконтированный срок окупаемости (DPP) |
Discounted payback period (DPP) |
Чистый дисконтированный доход (NPV) на 2020 год |
Net present value (NPV) as on 2020 |
Данные по объекту (доп.): |
Data on the facility (add.): |
- Потребление электроэнергии за истекший год |
- Electric energy consumption for the expired year |
- Стоимость электроэнергии за истекший год |
- Electric energy cost for the expired year |
Допущения: |
Assumptions: |
Экономия % (испытания / аналогичные объекты), при использовании в 2016 г. |
Saving % (tests / similar facilities), when used in 2016 ( months) |
- Тариф оплаты электроэнергии (средний по области) - руб. за кВт час. |
- Electric energy tariff (average for the Region) - rub. per kW hour. |
- Инфляция и увеличение стоимости электроэнергии % в год |
- Inflation and electric energy cost |
Commercial proposal
- The commercial proposal shall contain the model and cost of equipment, but we need more data. Here it shall be specified in what period this device pays off and how much profit it brings for 5 years. Data on the object consumption for the past year and energy cost for the past year - this is section 2.6 in the questionnaire. They are used as initial data. Assumptions are savings. Either we demonstrate savings and talk about the fact that we recorded together with the customer representatives the percentage of savings in the test framework. It may change in the future, but something has to be done to calculate technical and economic parameters. And the second is - similar objects, that is, it is clear if it is a hospital, if it is a mechanical production or bakery, then there are no questions either. If it is used for 12 months, then one effect, if for a shorter period, then this is also considered in our model. We charge average electricity tariffs for the object, per region per kWh. Inflation and the energy cost increase by our assessment. We make commercial proposals and in the first three years, until a downward trend is visible, we put an increase in the cost of 15% per year.
The company works by request. We should understand it this moment for the economy and for those characteristics that are further analyzed. The power factor - very often power engineers and electricians don’t know how to get that. We use the closest value in our assessment - 0.92 m. Voltage connection is clear thing. It would be good to understand what is connected and what is powered from this input, there are such devices.
Договор 7% (не стандартный) |
Contract 7% (non-standard) |
Сопротивление контура заземления в точке проведения испытаний должно не превышать 1,2 Ом, и в заземляющем контуре должны отсутствовать паразитные токи такой величины, при которых не гарантируется измерение сопротивления. |
Grounding circuit resistance at the test point shall not exceed 1.2 Ohm, and the grounding circuit shall not have stray current of the value, which does not guarantee the resistance measurement. |
Для системы электропитания с сопротивлением контура заземления более 1,2 Ом и/или наличии в заземляющем контуре паразитных токов такой величины, при которых не гарантируется измерение сопротивления, возможно снижение эффективности УЭС. |
For the power supply system with the grounding circuit over 1.2 Ohm and / or in case of stray current in the grounding circuit of the value, which does not guarantee the resistance measurement, ESH efficiency can be reduced. |
Поставщик проводит испытания УЭС |
A vendor shall test ESH |
Цена и порядок расчетов. |
Price and settlement procedure. |
Если в результате испытаний экономия электроэнергии составит менее 7 (Семи)%. по согласованию Сторон установка УЭС на указанном объекте считается экономически не целесообразной для Заказчика. В этом случае, Услуги считаются оказанными Поставщиком за свой счет и безвозмездными для Заказчика в случае выполнения п. 2.2. |
If the test results show the electric energy saving below 7 (Seven)%, upon an agreement between the Parties, the installation of ESH in the facility in question is considered as not economically feasible for the Customer. In this case, the Services shall be considered as provided by a Vendor on its own costs and on the free-of-charge basis for the Customer provided that item 2.2 is met. |
Если в результате испытаний экономия электроэнергии составит менее 7 (Семи) % в случае не выполнения п. 2.2 оплата стоимости Услуг с учетом реально затраченного времени, но не менее суммы руб., включая НДС 18% - , выплачивается Заказчиком на основании счета, выставленного Поставщиком, в течение 5 (Пяти) банковских дней. |
If the test results show the electric energy saving below 7 (Seven) % and in case of failure to comply with item 2.2, the payment for the Services shall be made by taking into account actually spent time, however, at least the amount of rub., including VAT of 18 % - , to be paid by the Customer based on the invoice issued by the Vendor, within 5 (Five) banking days. |
Если в результате испытаний экономия электроэнергии составит не менее 7 (Семи) %, оплата стоимости Услуг с учетом реально затраченного времени, но не менее суммы руб., включая НДС 18% - _ руб., выплачивается Заказчиком на основании счета, выставленного Поставщиком, в течение 5 (Пяти) банковских дней с момента подписания Акта |
If the test results show the electric energy saving of at least 7 (Seven) %, the payment for the Services shall be made by taking into account actually spent time, however, at least the amount of rub., including VAT of 18% - _ rub., to be paid by the Customer based on the invoice issued by the Supplier, within 5 (Five) banking days from the moment of signing the Certificate |
Contract 7% (non-standard)
- Now few words about contractual relations. There are supply contracts, there are contracts for testing, we’ve through a lot: “Please, let us in, we will show how it works!” The situation has changed a little for now. We are talking about the fact that we are testing at no cost, if the customer needs to conduct tests, here is the moment that all customers are different. This is a strategic understanding. If this is one kind of shop, then you can talk to them, if you like, we can show it in advance. Pay the money, and everything will be fine here. Unfortunately, it does not always work because there are network customers, strategic customers with whom you can work for a long time. Therefore, we say that there is still a situation when we do without money. There is a middle ground between these two situations, we are talking about. We introduce 7% into the contract, that is, we consider non-standard for our decisions and for our supplies. These are only lines from the contract. We record resistance of the ground loop and no stray currents. We emphasize if these parameters and these conditions are not fulfilled by a possible reduction, but nevertheless we provide how many inputs are there, because we have a normal hour and inputs, the cost of testing depends on it. Tests are performed according to the methodology agreed by the parties - these are mandatory conditions. If this methodology is not agreed, which means I strongly recommend you contact this customer and service the object. Question from Aleksandr: “Why is there no mains supply specifications in the questionnaire?” We mainly focus on the problems, caused by the nature of energy consumption. The mains supply has its own peculiarities. If we introduce here a sufficiently large amount of information, then this is, as a scout for the general staff, there is never enough information, no matter how much information is supplied. Confine yourself to the minimum necessary information to get it. If you write a questionnaire on 4 sheets, you will never receive it, that is, as if you have buried the object. Regarding our contractual relationship. Now we provide that if we have performance of 1.2 Ohms and there are no parasite currents, and we say that we showed less than 7% here, but this is due to the fact that our customer’s network parameters did not comply with that point of ground loop requirements. In this case our services are paid. If we say that if these conditions are met, the savings are less than 7%, then in this case nothing is paid. This is a wrap-up, and people say, you show us first, and then we will make decisions - ok. The service is paid as usual, but we are ready to guarantee that if we fulfill the requirements of a certain point, we provide 7%, if we did not show, we did not confirm the characteristics of the goods. In this case, we don’t have the right to take the customer’s money. Аlternatively, these items re elaborated in the supply contract. This is also a non-standard contract, but nevertheless it is a wide practice.
Поставка оборудования |
Hardware supply |
Стандартный срок поставки (договор) - 30 рабочих дней |
Standard supply period (contract) - |
Партнер осуществляет скользящее планирование с горизонтом 3 месяца, первый - плановый, второй и третий - прогнозные. Планы направляются Поставщику не позднее 10 (Десятого) числа месяца, предшествующего плановому объектам |
The partner shall make rolling scheduling with the horizon of 3 months, the first month is to be a plan, the second and the third months are to be forecasts. The plans shall be sent to the Vendor not later than the 10th (Tenth) day of the month preceding the planned month for the facility |
Equipment supply
— Equipment supply. The standard delivery term is 30 working days. Why did we choose this term? In fact all of our components are imported. Once we left our domestic suppliers, and supplies from Italy, Germany and Sweden, and this is 60 calendar days. We have our own insurance stocks, our warehouses, but nevertheless we elaborate the term of 30 days in the contract so that there are no complaints and penalties. Everything is simplified if there is a rolling planning. In this case, we have a forecast month, the second, third months are forecast, the first month is planned. It means, that by the 20th of each month, we provide information on the planned supply. In this case, if such a system works, we strongly recommend from our partners not to get into a situation where there should be a supply, and we have nothing to supply. Although there is a warehouse and there is a stock, but nevertheless, sometimes there are more than 10 identical units, but we do not have that much. Therefore, there is a very desirable moment to ensure the rhythm of supply - it is a rolling planning. Ok, I’ll take a break. Question from Dmitriy Borisov: "What is the magnitude of stray currents on the ground loop, at which the measurement of ground resistance is guaranteed?"
As a rule, it is accepted. Sometimes it is discussed, drops to 12%, etc. But our first three years are standard - this is 15%, perhaps later on this is corrected. We even take 10%, it seems working. Therefore, the commercial proposal, when we talk about what we put, just take our box and be happy - this is wrong, it does not work.
Сетевой график | Network schedule |
Network schedule
- When you enter and make a decision, a network schedule is usually drawn up. According to this network schedule, if you look at a not very long duration across all stages, but if you build them (ET and customer), if you build the sequence of all tasks, then it turns out that even selecting five objects agreed ten and a good time set, then in this case we fall for two months. You need to understand that in this case you are diverting resources, you are distracting people, you are distracting customers. In fact, it still depends on the customer, because there are respected customers who have to prove their case for a long time. There are pilots, now my pilot is technically finished, now we are developing the economy part. It began in October 2015, that is, the customer is worth it. I understand that the customer needs to make sure that there is indeed saving, that there is indeed an effect, but they have been convinced for 4 months with all data, with data from the analyzers, with repeated tests, with system connections and so on. There are many factors that they want to consider to join. You should understand the following thing: when there is a commercial structure, this is one thing, when we have an organization and it is partly commercial and an employee of this organization, he needs to sign to save 7%, 10%, 15% of energy. This is a very difficult question, he lives so well, why should he put his signature. This network schedule is available in the presentation, here is the duration. I pulled it out for the sole purpose of understanding that the resource will not be distracted for 5 or 10 days. This is quite a long procedure.
Методика проведения испытаний |
Test methodology |
Документ разработан в рамках выполнения Государственного контракта №ДГП 13-76-Н от 15.10.2013 НИР «Проведение исследований по применению в жилых и общественных зданиях устройств, компенсирующих реактивную мощность и повышающих эффективность использования электрической энергии», |
The document was developed under execution of the State Contract No.ДГП 13-76-Н dd. 15.10.2013 Research "Studies of application of the reactive power compensating and electric energy use efficiency improving hardware in residential and public buildings", |
Test methodology
- Now the main point we’re going to analyze. How are we going to prove? Finally, I will turn to the meters. Is it possible to prove using meters or not? Now let's see if we have consumed power. This is energy per unit of time, right? The meter counts kWh hour and in this case we have an integral characteristic. But what about the character of parameters consumption? Well, we don’t have any unit and we don’t need to prove anything. At different intervals, are parameters of energy consumption with devices the same? They, as a rule, in dynamic loads are not the same. Is it possible to compare four adjacent intervals in terms of absence of any devices? Answer:
We’ll do this way. We do not buy any equipment that will measure stray currents from us, we use French “Chauvin Arnoux”, quite a convenient device. If someone needs his parameters, contact me by Skype or by mail, I will answer you, I do not remember the brand by heart. But it has the resistance of the ground loop and it has noise. Noise means noise level. If French device "Chauvin Arnoux" triggers a noise system, then in this case, our characteristics deteriorate. If noise is silent, then everything is in order. Therefore, we use the supplier’s equipment. I will not tell you the level of currents, at which it triggers, you can look at the technical data.
Основные положения |
Main regulations |
Методика определяет способы, условия, метрологию и порядок проведения испытаний работы Устройства энергосберегающего (УЭС) в электрических сетях на объектах интересанта, а также методологию обработки результатов испытаний. |
The methodology determines the methods, conditions, metrology and procedure of tests of the energy saving hardware (ESH) in power networks of the applicant's facilities, as well as the methodology of the test results processing. |
Объект испытаний |
Object under tests |
Объектом испытаний по настоящей Методике является влияние УЭС на качество электроэнергии на объекте интересанта |
The test subject according to this Methodology is ESH impact to the electric energy quality at the applicant's facility |
Цель испытаний |
Test goal |
Целью испытаний является выявления основных недостатков электросети интересанта, их анализ, оценка возможности их устранения посредством установки УЭС. повышающего качество электроэнергии и как следствие, снижение потребления электроэнергии |
The goal of tests is revelation of main weaknesses of the applicant's power network, analysis thereof, evaluation of the possibility of elimination thereof by means of ESH, that improves the electric energy quality, hence reducing the power consumption |
Участники испытаний |
Test participants |
Представитель интересанта |
The applicant's representative |
Сертифицированный специалист «ГРИН ЭНЕРДЖИ» (специалист имеющий допуск к работе с силовым электрооборудованием) |
Certified engineer of GREEN ENERGY (a specialist permitted to work with power equipment) |
Main regulations
- Main regulations What do we provide? In general words - the test object shall be described. The test objective is the influence of the device on energy-saving consumption parameters. Participants are usually the required party representatives. Believe me, if you conducted tests, brought the materials and when they get on a certain table, then be prepared for what you will check, even if the whole thing is in the test procedure, but this item was not passed. The representative of the interested party will appear, and you will check the data with this representative. And it is obvious that the representative of “GREEN ENERGY” is, as a rule, our partner.
Основные показатели и средства измерения |
Main indicators and instrumentation |
Основными параметрами электроэнергии для анализа являются: |
Basic parameters of the electric energy for the analysis are following: |
Фазные напряжения (максимальное /среднее / минимальное) |
Phase voltages (maximum /medium / minimum) |
Фазные токи (максимальный / средний / минимальный) |
Phase currents (maximum / medium / minimum) |
Активные мощности (максимальная / средняя / минимальная) по трем фазам и суммарная |
Active powers (maximum / medium / minimum) for three phases and total |
Реактивные мощности (максимальная / средняя / минимальная) по трем фазам и суммарная |
Reactive powers (maximum / medium / minimum) for three phases and total |
Полные мощности (максимальная / средняя / минимальная) по трем фазам и суммарная |
Full powers (maximum / medium / minimum) for three phases and total |
Коэффициент мощности (максимальная / средняя / минимальная) для трех фаз |
Power factor (maximum / medium / minimum) for three phases |
Оборудование |
Hardware |
Аппаратное (анализатор качества электроэнергии Mavowatt 30 или аналогичный) |
Hardware (electric energy quality analyzer Mavowatt 30 or similar) |
Измеритель сопротивления контура заземления С.А 6415 (или аналогичный) |
Grounding circuit resistance instrumentation С.А 6415 (or similar) |
Программное обеспечение (Dran-View 6 или аналогичное) |
Software (Dran-View 6 or similar) |
Main indicators and instrumentation
- Main indicators. What shall be recorded? I would say about the integral characteristic. We shall record the time series and understand what negative factors are and whether to go to this object. These are phase voltages, phase currents. We use presence of dispersion, so we look at the same effective values. In fact, the package of these characteristics is naturally wider. We are talking about the minimum required, active powers in the three phases are necessarily total, reactive power - in three phases and total, similarly in full power and power factor (maximum/average/minimum) for three phases. Equipment: a ground loop resistance meter, C.A. 6415 (or equivalent). What do we use? We use “Gossen Metrawatt” equipment. Many people may say: There are "Fluke", "Chauvin Arnoux" and so on. “ There are Russian manufacturers. The most advanced support is provided by Gossen Metrawatt, because we also work with Chauvin Arnoux, we cooperte with “Fluke”. “Fluke” is good because it makes changes to software very quickly, but fortunately for “Gossen Metrawatt” it is a German-based company on the American coast, but “Mavowatt 30” is a measurement tool recorded in our registry . Now they extend their stay there. For our partners, we recommend using equipment, related to our activities, because if we have data from analyzer of some other company, we’ll have problems like with Tomsk. They had “Chauvin Arnoux”, but until they acquired the appropriate skill, they discussed their result for a very long time, because we could not get inside this data. Therefore, it is better to have adjacent to us. If no, then no. It is always present. Question from Aleksandr: “Why aren't harmonics measured?” I said that the minimum harmonics are measured. In fact, we measure harmonics, we also talked about this.
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