Video of the lecture "Answers to questions from designers"

The past ten webinars with professor Edward Meerovich Bazelyan have helped designers to solve their most vital issues. However, work never stops and new questions about grounding and lightning protection design are being asked all the time. In order to answer those questions, we suggested that designers send them to us, so that we can make a list and prepare answers. The first list was made this fall and we have already received the professor's comments on it. Watch the video of prof. E. M. Bazelyan's lecture "Answers to questions from designers"!


During the lecture, the professor answered the following questions:

  • How to make two separate ground loops in a limited area (20 to 20 m)? (time 00:30)
  • There is a common ground loop for lightning protection and protective grounding, and lightning strikes the lightning rod. Will the lightning current go to the ground bus through the loop? What consequences could that result in? How can an SPD help in this case? (time 8:26)
  • In accordance with paragraph 36 of the Health Facilities Design Guidelines (a supplement to SNiP 2.08.02-89), a separate grounding device is required for the functional grounding of medical equipment (X-ray machines, etc.). How to keep a distance of 15 meters? (time 12:28)
  • How to design lightning protection for a building that has a gas pipe pipeline installed 10 meters away from it? (time 20:03)
  • Are decorative lightning rods effective? (time 24:00)
  • How to implement lightning protection for an open area where a crane is operating? (time 25:21)
  • Is it possible to use a screw pile foundation as a grounding system? (time 27:09)
  • What happens if I install electrodes less than 1 meter from the foundations, as indicated in IS 153-34 p. (time 31:17)
  • Which document allows the use of steel for grounding high-voltage installations? (time 35:39)
  • How to protect a surface gas pipeline from lightning strikes? Is it necessary to install a free-standing lightning rod near a natural gas pipeline valve? (time 38:53)

Dear Colleagues! Do you have any questions left? Please send your questions to our email address: with the subject "Question for the professor" and we will be sure to answer it!