The webinar on the topic "SPD and its fusible element will be held on December 10, 2019. How to choose it and use correctly?". This webinar is not the first, regarding the use of SPD, in a webinar series by Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan. Nevertheless, the ZANDZ Technical Center constantly receives questions regarding the choice of the protective arrangement itself and auxiliary equipment that should work in emergency situations. Some of these issues have been considered more than once.
The following questions are expected for detailed consideration at the webinar on December 10, 2019:
- When the technical and economically viable to use SPD.
- How to evaluate the lightning current, which should be designed SPD.
- How to determine the level of voltage that should be at the SPD output.
- How to choose a fuse element for SPD and what to do if such selection is not possible.
- Is there an alternative to the fuse element.
- When it is necessary to resort to the sequential installation of several SPDs.
All of these issues will be analyzed in a manner to provide a designer with a specific algorithm for calculations and, if possible, rather simple calculation formulas.
Register now at the link.
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