Cooperation with LLC "Lightning Protection and Grounding"

We have been cooperating with LLC "Lightning Protection and Grounding" for a long time and in a very proactive manner. The Customer Company representative sent a review and expressed gratitude for the responsiveness and attentive attitude to partners.

Cooperation with LLC Lightning Protection and Grounding

Уважаемый Андрей Юрьевич! Хочу выразить Вам и всему коллективу компании ООО "КомплектПоставка" благодарность за отзывчивость и внимательное отношение к партнерам. Радует оперативная реакция менеджеров, большой запас заземления на складе и высокое качество товара в целом. Сотрудничаем с вами уже продолжительное время и надеемся на дальнейшее развитие отношений! - Dear Andrey Yuryevich! I want to express my gratitude to you and the entire staff of KomplektPostavka LLC for the responsiveness and attentive attitude to the partners. The operational response of the managers, a large supply of grounding in the warehouse and generally high quality of the product are very encouraging. We have been cooperating with you for a long period and hope for the further development of relations!

The examples of grounding solutions based on ZANDZ and GALMAR equipment can be found here.