Five most popular materials in 2024 has been publishing useful materials for designers, installers, and specialists in lightning protection and grounding for over 15 years. The year 2024 was no exception. Throughout the year, our notes, articles, projects, and webinars attracted a lot of professionals, educated them, and promoted experience sharing. The most popular materials in 2024 are provided below:

Lightning protection and grounding project of an administrative building with a multi-tiered flat roof

Lightning protection and grounding project of an administrative building with a multi-tiered flat roof

One of the most popular types of publications on the website is ready-made projects on grounding and lightning protection made as solutions to the customer problems. This project offers a solution for a currently popular facility, which is a building with a multilayered flat roof. The project uses interception rods on concrete foundations. This is a convenient and efficient solution that can be easily installed without any complex equipment.

The project includes:

  • initial data for the facility,
  • description of the lightning protection system,
  • protocol of calculation of the number of lightning strikes,
  • calculation of the grounding arrangement resistance,
  • attachment points and specifications,
  • project materials in DWG and PDF.

All solutions conform to GOST R 59789-2021, the EIC Rev. 7, RD 34.21.122-87, SO 153-34.21.122-2003, and other regulatory documents.
This project is available free of charge if you are a registered user, and it can be used by a designer as a reference.

Article "Underground utilities are dangerous when struck by lightning"

Article Underground utilities are dangerous when struck by lightning

The new article by Prof. Eduard M. Bazelyan discusses a problem of distribution of the lightning strike in the soil and its partial transition to the underground utilities, which can pose danger to equipment and people. The author analyzes the scheme of assessment of the voltage being transported, provides the results of computer modelling, and gives recommendations for working with extended utilities under the storm environment.

Article "The problem of active lightning arresters"

Article The problem of active lightning arresters

One more article by Prof. Eduard M. Bazelyan published in 2024 that sparked some interest of readers. The article examines in detail the issue of efficiency of active lightning arresters. The author discusses their operating principles, issues associated with their implementation, and historical experiments, e.g. using radioactive lightning arresters and modern technologies, such as lasers. At the end of the article, the professor provides conclusions on the efficiency of the active lightning protection.

Requirements to Resistance of the Grounding Arrangement for >1 kV High-Voltage Power Line Supports

Requirements to Resistance of the Grounding Arrangement for >1 kV High-Voltage Power Line Supports

The article published on the website relates to the differences between the EIC and GOST R 58882-2020 to the resistance of grounding arrangements for > 1 kV voltage power line supports. Standard resistances for the grounding arrangements considering the soil resistance are described.

A new book "Emergency in lightning protection"


In 2024, a new book by Eduard M. Bazelyan was published under the title "Emergency in lightning protection" supported by This is a practical guide for specialists who are looking for quick and effective solutions in the lightning protection design. The book offers methodological approaches and simple ways to assess tasks thus avoiding complex calculations at early steps. This book is compact and convenient; it helps to focus on main issues and optimize the work process.

Online service for calculation of the lightning protection system reliability and probability of the lightning strike into the facility

Online service for calculation of the lightning protection system reliability and probability of the lightning strike into the facility

The service for calculation of the lightning protection system reliability can be especially noted. It has been in service for several years and provides excellent results in terms of growth of the number of users and the amount of calculations made in it.

The service allows users to calculate the lightning strike probability to the facility protected using the lightning arresters. This helps to check the lightning protection reliability and optimize the design by reducing costs for construction and installation of lightning arresters. The software calculates the lightning strike probability to the facility, the annual number of strikes, and possible breakthroughs to provide data for adjustment of the protection system and improvement of its efficiency.

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