Treatment facilities are a critical set of devices and structures for treating water to the parameters established in regulatory documents and sanitary requirements. The set of facilities usually includes devices for mechanical, biological, and physical/chemical treatment of sewage water. Passing through the treatment facilities, industrial and urban sewage water is separated from mineral, organic, radioactive, and other harmful substances. After this treatment, water is direct to the urban drainage system for additional treatment, drained into the environment, or used for technical purpose.
Depending on the sewage water source and type, treatment may be accompanied by various features, such as emission of toxic or flammable gases. According to item 2.17 of RD 34.21.122-87, if the ignition temperature of the product contained in the sewage water exceeds its operating temperature by less than 10 °С, the treatment facilities must be protected from direct lightning strikes. In this case, the lightning arrester protection zone should include the space with its base extending beyond the treatment facility by 5 m at each side from its walls, while the height is equal to the structure height plus 3 m. The treatment facilities are protected from lightnings in accordance with Category II or III, depending on the explosion category.
Do you need to calculate lightning protection and grounding for the treatment facilities? Please contact the ZANDZ Technical Center!
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