Онлайн расчет молниезащиты и заземления опор высоковольтных линий электропередач - Online Calculation of Lightning Protection and Grounding for Supports of High-Voltage Power Lines
On April 27, Dmitry Krasnoborov, the Engineer of the ZANDZ Technical Centre, conducted a webinar for the technique to calculate the grounding resistance of overhead power lines. In the webinar material, a detailed review of regulatory documents governing requirements for the grounding devices was provided, a calculation for the design and a choice of grounding materials for various soils, especially in challenging permafrost conditions, in rocky soils were considered. The webinar programme included a short presentation of special equipment for overhead power lines, i.e. short-circuit indicators, which allow to significantly reduce time on searching for an emergency section in the line. These and other materials can be seen in our webinar.
Watch the details in a video!
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