Европейские технологии и стандарты защиты линий переменного тока от перенапряжения - European Technologies and Standards for AC Power Lines Surge Protection
Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel and member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR, has prepared a well-structured and understandable story about surges, their nature, shapes, rating, consequences, and constrain methods. During the webinar, special attention is paid to SDPs. You will get to know about their components and capabilities, about modern technologies, about how to evaluate SDP characteristics as well as some common myths related to these devices.
The second part of the report is dedicated to European regulatory documents governing the need to use the SDP and defining the rules for choosing, installing, and testing the devices.
Understanding of the European approach to SDPs application obtained during the webinar will allow achieving valuable knowledge required to develop design solutions for the electrical equipment against repeated lightning manifestations.
This intriguing webinar will be longer than usual, i.e. 1.5 hours, but it's worth joining!
To join the webinar, you do not need to know English. We have made the translations for the presentation and the speaker's report.
Register to get unique knowledge!
Date and time: April 14, 2021 at 11:00 Moscow time.
Venue: online
Price: free of charge, registration is required.
Duration: about 90-100 min.
Speaker: Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel, member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR
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