Well-known English scientist Van Der Pelt had been tracking the dynamics in the population of meerkats in South Africa for 18 years. The target research regions included the endemic areas for these animals, i.e. deserts Namib and Kalahari. During the observations, the researcher tried to confirm the impact of various natural factors on the changes in the meerkat population in South Africa, including storm activity.
The striped meerkat extends upwards to see danger long before the storm. It was supposed that danger for life (deadly lightning strikes) will promote the strive for expansion, which, in turn, leads to the increase in the animal population. By comparing storm data and animal numbers, Pelt has concluded that meerkats did not pay any attention to lightnings!
Currently, the researcher is engaged in looking for the reasons of this behavior.
What do you think, how the lightnings effect the meerkat population, according to Van Der Pelt?
- The population is reduced year after year due to direct lightning strikes into meerkats.
- The population is reduced due to the animals being exposed to step voltage by entire colonies (20 to 30 individuals) when the lightning strikes the ground near their burrows.
- The population still grows despite other adverse factors as they reproduce quickly.
- Your option.
Please provide your answer in social media::
* The article is intended for entertainment only and has no practical significance. All facts and persons are fictional.
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