The fourth webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series
Webinar text. Page 2
Fast navigation by slides:
Page 2:
10. Grounding device outside the substation
11. Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
12. Internal grounding circuit
13. Internal grounding circuit (continued)
14. Lightning protection of the substation
15. Lightning rods as the protection against lightnings
16. Horizontal grounding devices arrangement
17. Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
18. Calculation of the substation lightning protection
Page 3: >>
19. Lightning protection of shared utility meters and protective distribution devices
20. Electromagnetic compatibility
21. Cable protection
22. Cable in the reinforced concrete tray
23. Grounding and lightning protection for protective distribution devices 10 kV
24. Grounding of packaged transformer substations 10(6)/0.4 kV
25. Grounding of diesel generator set
26. Lightning protection of diesel generator set
27. Questions and answers
Заземлитель за пределами ПС | Grounding device outside the substation |
Заземлитель может быть расширен за пределы базовой конструкции | The ground terminal can be extended beyond the basic structure` |
Горизонтальные заземлители должны прокладываться на глубине 1 м | Horizontal ground terminals shall be laid at the depth of 1 m |
В вечномёрзлых и каменистых грунтах для нужного снижения сопротивления может быть использовано электролитическое заземление | Electrolytic grounding can be applied in permafrost and rocky soils in order to reduce the resistance as required |
Заземление и молниезащита на | Grounding and lightning protection on |
Grounding device outside the substation
— In high-ohmic soils, the basic structure grid may not be sufficient. In order to obtain the resistance of 0.5 Ohm to reduce the resistance to the grounding device, it may be extended within the substation territory as well as beyond the territory. The horizontal grounding devices must be laid beyond the substation fencing at the depth of up to 1 meter. Significant decrease may be obtained by installing the electrolytic grounding sets.
Заземление ограждения ПС | Substation fence grounding |
Ограждение ПС заземляется, если на нем располагаются устройства охранной сигнализации или видеонаблюдения | The substation fencing is grounded if it has the security alarm devices or CCTV systems installed thereupon |
Для обеспечения электробезопасности прокладывается контур за пределами ПС на расстоянии 1 м и глубине 1 м | The circuit shall be laid outside of the substation borders at the distance of 1 m and the depth of 1 m in order to ensure the electrical safety |
Если на ограде нет электроприемников, то заземлитель ПС не присоединяется к ограждению и располагается на расстоянии 2 м от него | If there are no electrical receivers on the fencing, the substation grounding devices will not be attached to the fencing and is located at the distance not closer than 2 meters from it. |
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Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
— The fencing is grounded if it has the security alarm devices or CCTV systems installed thereupon. In case of damage, the fencing may get under voltage and, when touching it, people and animals may get shocked by the current. Therefore, the fencing is attached to the circuit laid outside the fencing at the distance of 1 meter and depth of 1 meter which will serve as a potentials equalizer and provide the electrical safety. If there are no electrical receivers on the fencing, the grounding devices will not be attached to the fencing and is located at the distance not closer than 2 meters from it.
Внутренний контур заземления | Internal grounding circuit |
Магистраль заземления необходима для заземления оборудования внутри здания ОПУ и других зданий с устройствами связи, релейной защиты и управления | The grounding line is required for the equipment grounding inside the common substation control room and other buildings with communication, relay protection and control hardware |
Прокладывается по стенам на высоте 0,6 м от уровня пола | It is laid on the walls at the height of 0.6 m from the floor level |
Назначение - уравнивание потенциалов и подключения оборудования и всех металлоконструкций | The purpose is to equalize potentials and connect hardware and all metallic structures |
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Internal grounding circuit
— The grounding line is installed inside the shared utility meters and protective distribution device building at the height of 60 cm, or, in another words, it is called the internal circuit. Then, to this internal circuit, we attach the metal structure with cabinets, and equipment racks.
Внутренний контур заземления | Internal grounding circuit |
Заземление и молниезащита на | Grounding and lightning protection on |
Internal grounding circuit (continued)
– In this slide, we can see the internal circuit attached, in this case, to the heaters as well as to the cabinet rack.
Молниезащита подстанции | Substation lightning protection |
От прямых ударов должны защищаться все ПС напряжением 20-750 кВ | All 20-750 kV substations shall be protected against direct strikes |
Не требуется защита для открытых распределительных устройств напряжением 20-35 кВ с трансформаторами мощностью до 1,6 МВА | No protection is required for 20-35 kV switchyards with transformers of up to 1.6 MVA |
Также молниезащита не требуется для ПС 220 кВ и ниже, если число грозовых часов в год менее 20 и удельное сопротивление грунта более 2000 Ом*м | Also no lightning protection is required for 220 kV substations and lower, if the number of thunderstorm hours per year is below 20 and soil resistivity exceeds 2 000 Ohm*m |
Подробнее в пункте 4.2.134 ПУЭ 7 изд. | See more details in item 4.2.134 of EIC Rev. 7 |
Заземление и молниезащита на | Grounding and lightning protection on |
Substation lightning protection
– The substation equipment must be protected against the direct lightning strikes. Usually the lightning protection for all substations is required, but there are some exceptions.

Молниезащита подстанции | Substation lightning protection |
Для защиты от прямых ударов молнии используются: | The following is used for protection against direct lightning strikes: |
Молниеприемники на порталах | Lightning arresters on the portals |
Молниеприемники совмещенные с прожекторными мачтами. | Lightning arresters combined with the searchlight masts. |
Отдельно стоящие молниеприемники для необходимой надежности защиты | Standalone lightning arresters for necessary protection reliability |
Также заземляются стойки конструкций подстанции с заведенными тросами воздушных линий | Also the substation structure stands with overhead line wires shall be grounded |
Подробные требования приведены СТО 56947007- ПАО "ФСК ЕЭС" | See detailed requirements in STO 56947007- FGC UES, PJSC |
Заземление и молниезащита на | Grounding and lightning protection on |
Lightning rods as the protection against lightnings
– The protection against the direct lightning strikes is performed using the lightning rods installed at the structures, portals, as well as on the lighting poles. The installation of standalone lightning rods may also be required for protection. Moreover, they may be required to take the lightning rod from the portals, e.g., when you need to reduce the effect of the pulse current of the lightning in a specific point of the cable directly in the equipment.
Молниезащита подстанции | Substation lightning protection |
Расстояние от молниеприемников до силовых трансформаторов, реакторов и комплектных распределительных устройств должно быть не менее 15 м по магистралям заземления | The distance from the lightning arresters to the power transformers, reactors and packaged switchgear shall be at least 15 m by the grounding lines |
Горизонтальные заземлители прокладываются особым образом для увеличения расстояния и соблюдения этого требования | The horizontal grounding devices may be laid in a special way to increase the distance and to meet this requirement. |
Если это возможно, отдельно стоящие молниеприемники устанавливаются обособленно с ЗУ сопротивлением до 80 Ом и расстоянием до базовой конструкции не менее 3 м | If possible, the standalone lightning rods are installed separately with the grounding device resistance of up to 80 Ohm and the distance to the base structure of not less than 3 meters. |
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Horizontal grounding devices arrangement
– If the lightning rods are attached to the base structure, it is required that the distance to power transformers, reactors, and switchgears would be no less than 15 meters along the grounding trunks.

Молниезащита подстанции | Substation lightning protection |
Молниеприемник может присоединяться к ЗУ открытого распределительного устройства, при этом: | The lightning arrester can be connected to the ground terminal of the switchyard, provided that: |
От каждого отдельно стоящего молниеприемника выполняется прокладка горизонтальных заземлителей для растекания тока не менее чем в 2 направлениях или в 3-х направлениях если расстояние от молниеотвода до трансформатора менее 15м | From each standalone lightning rod, the installation of the horizontal grounding devices is performed for the current to flow in not less than two directions, or three directions, if the distance from the lightning rod to the transformer is less than 15 meters. |
На каждом направлении устанавливается по вертикальному электроду длиной 5 метров | At each direction, 5-meter-long vertical electrode is installed. |
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Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
– If the lightning rods are attached to the substation grounding grid, we need to meet the following requirements. From each standalone lightning rod, the installation of the horizontal grounding devices is performed for the current to flow in not less than two directions, or three directions, if the distance from the lightning rod to the transformer is less than 15 meters. At each direction, the vertical electrode is installed at the depth of 5 meters. We can see that in this case.
Молниезащита подстанции | Substation lightning protection |
Расчет молниезащиты подстанции производится по СО 153-34.21.122-2003 | The substation lightning protection design shall be performed in accordance with SO 153-34.21.122-2003 |
Принимается надежность защиты от прямых ударов молнии равная 0,95-0.99. Это уровень надежности 2 | The direct lightning strikes protection safety is taken equal to 0.95-0.99. It is the safety level 2 |
Подстанции могут относиться как к обычным (надежность защиты 0,90), так и к специальным объектам (надежность 0,99) | The substations may be standard (with the protection reliability factor of 0.90), or may be referred to as the special facilities (with the reliability factor of 0.99) |
Расчет молниезащиты также выполняется техническим центром ZANDZ в ПО, разработанном ОАО «Энергетический институт им. ПМ Кржижановского» (ОАО «ЭНИН») | The lightning protection is also designed by ZANDZ technical center by means of the software developed by OAO G.M. Krzhizhanovskiy Energy Institute (OAO ENIN) |
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Calculation of the substation lightning protection
– The substation lightning protection is calculated in accordance with the regulatory documents specified in the slide. The reliability of protection against the direct lightning strikes is taken as factors of 0.95–0.99, and this means reliability class 2. The substations may be standard, with the protection reliability factor of 0.95, or may be referred to as the special facilities, with the reliability factor of 0.99. Depending on these accessories and the importance for the energy system, the calculations are usually performed in the software suites. The zone of protection with the required reliability is plotted in the drawing at the protected equipment height. The calculations of the lightning protection are also performed by the ZANDZ Center in the software developed by the Energy Institute named after G. M. Krzhizhanovsky.
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- Webinars with participation of lead experts of the industry
- All for calculation of the earthing and lightning protection
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