The fourth webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series
(held on September 27, 2016 at 11:00 Moscow time)
In the fourth webinar, we will proceed to the more complex facilities in terms of electrical installation, the electrical substations. During the webinar, we will look into the ways to correctly perform the calculations for grounding and lightning protection and meet all the existing requirements.
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Webinar text. Page 1
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10. Grounding device outside the substation
11. Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
12. Internal grounding circuit
13. Internal grounding circuit (continued)
14. Lightning protection of the substation
15. Lightning rods as the protection against lightnings
16. Horizontal grounding devices arrangement
17. Connecting the lightning rod with the grounding device
18. Calculation of the substation lightning protection
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19. Lightning protection of shared utility meters and protective distribution devices
20. Electromagnetic compatibility
21. Cable protection
22. Cable in the reinforced concrete tray
23. Grounding and lightning protection for protective distribution devices 10 kV
24. Grounding of packaged transformer substations 10(6)/0.4 kV
25. Grounding of diesel generator set
26. Lightning protection of diesel generator set
27. Questions and answers
Approximate reading time: 42 minutes
Вебинар № 4. Заземление и молниезащита электрических подстанций | Webinar No. 4 Grounding and lightning protection of electrical substations |
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Grounding and lightning protection for electrical substations
– Today, it is our fourth webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series. Let me remind you. In our previous webinars, we examined the regulatory documents that the electrical specialists work with, and looked into such facilities as private houses, apartment buildings, and commercial facilities. Today, we will proceed to the more complex facilities, such as electrical substations. We will also consider the traditional issues of how to correctly perform calculations and installation of the lightning protection grounding and meet all the respective requirements. Moreover, upon request of the webinar participants, we have included the issue of arranging the grounding and lightning protection for the diesel electrical station.
We will talk about it in the end of the webinar. This webinar series is led by our lecturer, Sergei Tolstopyatov. He is the director general of OOO NGN Group, and an experienced electrical specialist as well as the Club expert. The ZANDZ technical specialists are also present in the webinar. They will respond to your questions. Please ask them in the chat. Upon the request of our technical specialists, I made a questionnaire in the respective tab. Please visit it at the end of the webinar and answer all questions. It will not take longer than three minutes. Now, my introduction is over. I give my turn to the lecturer. Good afternoon, Sergei Alekseevich!
– Hello. Let me greet you in our next webinar. Please do not forget to take our questionnaires. The webinar will be held as follows. I will show you the files and tell about them. In the course of the story, you may ask your questions. We have two engineers here who will respond to them quickly. I will answer all questions that have not been answered by our engineers or those that will be asked for me personally. Aleksey will control this and help me. He will concentrate them and read at the end of the webinar.
Высоковольтные подстанции | High-voltage substations |
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High-voltage substations
– So, let us start webinar No. 4 "Grounding and lightning protection of electric substations". In the beginning, I want to tell you my favorite proverb: "If you do not know where you go, then you will likely reach another place". So, do not hesitate to ask questions. ZANDZ always answers them as full as possible. It does not hurt to ask! By obtaining the qualified answer to the question, you can always correctly solve and choose the solution that is appropriate for you, including some non-standard solutions. We will continue with the webinar series. Let us talk about the substation grounding. The substation is the main facility to ground. You know that high voltage flows along the high-voltage lines. The substation is intended for decreasing the voltage and supply it to the consumer directly.

Назначение заземления подстанций | Substation grounding purpose |
1. Электробезопасность персонала | 1. Electrical safety of personnel |
2. Электромагнитная совместимость оборудования | 2. Electrical compatibility of the equipment |
3. Надежное заземление устройств молниезащиты и ограничителей перенапряжения | 3. Reliable grounding of the lightning protection devices and overvoltage limiters |
4. Реализация рабочего заземление для работы трансформаторов | 4. Implementation of the working grounding for the transformers operation |
Также заземление необходимо для работы оборудования релейной защиты, автоматики и управления технологическими процессами на подстанции | Also the grounding is required for the relay protection hardware and distributed control system of the substation |
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Substation grounding purpose
– Well, the substation grounding has the following purposes:
- Electrical safety for the personnel. I think it is the major one. In the normal and emergency modes, i.e. at short circuits, we must not have an electric shock.
- Electrical compatibility of the equipment.
- Reliable grounding of the lightning protection devices and overvoltage limiters.
- Work grounding installation.
The grounding device is also required for the secondary substation equipment that serves to protect the substation in emergencies and to automate the processes.
Заземление подстанции | Substation grounding |
Выполняется базовая конструкция заземляющего устройства в виде сетки, которая охватывает все силовое оборудование: | The grounding hardware basic structure is made in the form of a mesh the covers all power equipment: |
силовые трансформаторы | power transformers |
выключатели | switches |
трансформаторы тока и напряжения | current and voltage transformers |
ОПН и др. | overvoltage limiters, etc. |
Вокруг зданий ОПУ (общеподстанционный пункт управления) и ЗРУ прокладываются контуры, которые в 4-х местах присоединяются к металлоконструкциям зданий и их внутренней магистрали заземления | The circuits are laid around the common substation control room and closed switchgear buildings, which are connected to the building metallic structures or to their internal grounding circuit in 4 points. |
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Substation grounding
– Grounding in the high-voltage substation is performed as a base structure in the form of a grid containing the transversal and horizontal grounding devices covering the entire substation territory with the equipment located therein. Circuits at the distance of 1 m from the foundation, i.e. not closer than 1 meter to the foundation, which are attached to the base structure at four points, are installed around the buildings of the general substation control room, buildings and protection distribution devices. It is usually done in the corners, thus creating the circuit. Where possible, you should use the natural grounding devices. Reinforced concrete foundations of the buildings or other substation structures may serve as natural grounding devices along with the casing pipes and other acceptable utilities. The grounding device grid is installed so that it would be convenient to connect the equipment to it. A branch as a band is made from the base structure to the equipment. It is attached to the stands and its grounding bolts of the machine. The grounding point number depends on the equipment type. The grounding riser area depends on the current. In the photo, we can see that two bands are attached to the stands in order to meet the required area of the grounding riser.
Заземление оборудования | Equipment grounding |
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Equipment grounding
– Depending on the neutral type, different requirements are applied to the grounding device resistance. For the substation with the voltage of 110 kV and more, in accordance with electrical installations code 1.7.90, the standard for the electrical units with the efficiently grounded neutral wire is specified and is usually 0.5 Ohm.
Сопротивление заземления | Grounding resistance |
В соответствии с ПУЭ 17.90 для электроустановок выше 1 кВ с эффективно заземленной нейтралью (110 кВ и более) сопротивление ЗУ должно быть не более 0,5 Ом | In accordance with EIC 17.90, the ground terminal resistance shall not exceed 0.5 Ohm for the electrical installations over 1 kV with effectively grounded neutral line (110 kV and more) |
Для ПС 20 и 35 кВ с изолированной нейтралью сопротивление ЗУ должно быть не более 10 Ом. Если оно используется и для напряжения до 1 кВ, то 4 Ом | For the substations of 20 and 35 kV with insulated neutral line the ground terminal resistance shall not exceed 10 Ohm. If it is used for the voltage of up to 1 kV as well, this value shall not exceed 4 Ohm. |
Если на трансформаторном портале устанавливается молниеприемник, то требование также 4 Ом | If a lightning arrester is installed on the transformer portal, the requirement also is of 4 Ohm. |
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Grounding resistance
– The table shows the resistance standards for the grounding device that are taken from the grounding device design guidelines for the substations with the voltage of 6 kV to 750 kV. These requirements can be found in the EIC of the seventh edition as well as in FGC and UES.
Расчет заземления | Grounding calculation |
Расчет заземления может быть выполнен в ПО, разработанном ОАО «Энергетический институт им. Г.М.Кржижановского» (ОАО «ЭНИН») силами технического центра ZANDZ | The grounding can be designed by ZANDZ technical center by means of the software developed by OAO G.M. Krzhizhanovskiy Energy Institute (OAO ENIN) |
Программа расчета заземлителей | Grounding design software |
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Grounding calculation
– The grounding calculations can be performed in the software developed by the Energy Institute named after G. M. Krzhizhanovsky and by the ZANDZ Technical Center. To do this, we need to receive the requests from you. Do not hesitate to ask questions in any form. We will help you in navigating and perform the design for grounding the high-voltage electrical substations.
Напряжение на заземлителе | Grounding device voltage |
Напряжение на заземлителе при стекании тока замыкания на землю не должно превышать 10 кВ | The grounding device voltage when the ground current flows into the ground should not be more than 10 kV |
Нормируется и напряжение прикосновения в соответствии с ГОСТ 12.1.038-82. Допустимое напряжение прикосновения зависит от времени воздействия и места нахождения персонала - на рабочих местах (у оборудования) или на остальной территории подстанции | The touch voltage is also standardized according to GOST 12.1.038-82. Permissible touch voltage depends on the impact time and a personnel position, whether in the workplace (near to the hardware) or anywhere of the substation territory |
Снизить напряжение можно уменьшив шаг сетки, а также уменьшив время срабатывания устройств защиты | The voltage can be decreased by reducing the mesh cell size, as well as by reducing the protection hardware actuation time |
ВЫСОКОЕ НАПРЯЖЕНИЕ опасно для жизни |
HIGH VOLTAGE Life-threatening |
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Grounding device voltage
– The grounding device voltage when the ground current flows into the ground should not be more than 10 kV. The installation of vertical electrodes as well as widening the base structure can help reduce this value. The touch voltage is also standardized according to GOST 12.1.038-82.

Заземление подстанции | Substation grounding |
Для выравнивания потенциалов уменьшается шаг сетки вплоть до решетки с шагом 1 м на рабочих местах у оборудования | In order to equalize the potential, the grid step reduces down to the grid having a 1-meter step in the workplaces near the equipment |
Чем чаще сетка, тем ниже напряжения шага и прикосновения! | The smaller the grid cell, the lower the step and touch voltages! |
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Substation grounding
– In order to equalize the potential, the grid step reduces down to the grid having a 1-meter step in the workplaces near the equipment. The smaller the grid, the lower the step and touch voltages. To reduce the pulse touch at the current entry points as well as the pulse current of the lightning, the vertical electrodes of up to 5 meters are installed. Points with the vertical grounding devices are shown in the picture.
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Useful materials for designers:
- Webinars with participation of lead experts of the industry
- All for calculation of the earthing and lightning protection
- Useful materials: articles, recommendations, examples
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