Local costing on grounding (of stainless steel) for UTS 10/0,4 kW

Appendix № 2 to "Economic justification of using ZANDZ modular grounding".


Local costing № 030 on grounding (of stainless steel) for a transformer substation UTS 6 (10)/0,4 kW for installation, measuring, regulated measuring and inspection during 30 years. Contains the calculation of cost of works on the arrangement of grounding with the use of ZANDZ equipment: stainless steel vertical rods with the diameter of 50x50x5 mm.

Local costing № 030 on grounding

Files "Local costing 030" in .xls format is available for downloading only for authorized users. 


See further - Appendix № 3. Tecnical calculation of module-rod grounding device made of copper-bonded steel.

Do you need to make the project on grounding and lightning protection? Order it by contacting the ZANDZ Technical Center!


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